
Award Winning Public Speaker

Page history last edited by danhausel 12 years, 9 months ago

The following awards were presented to Professor Hausel for public speaking.

(1) Wyoming Geological Association's 2004 Distinguished Service Award. 

(2) Colorado Mining Association 2003 Elected Member. 

(3) Colorado Chapter of International Order of Ragged Ass Miners 2003 Honorary Member.

(4) Wyoming Prospectors Association 2001 Honorary Member.

(5) Wyoming State Gem and Mineral Society 2001 Honorary Lifetime Member.

(6) 2001 Education Award & Induction into the Rockhound & Lapidary Hall-of-Fame.

(7) University of Wyoming Dept of Geology & Geophysics 1998 Distinguished Lecturer.

(8) Rocky Mountain Prospectors & Treasure Hunters 1998 Best Friend Award.

(9) Laramie Lycem 1994 Distinguished Speaker.

(10) Wyoming Geological Association's 1994 Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Endevor's & Contributions

(11) American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1992 President's Certificate.  



Professor Hausel's public speaking profession began while a student at the University of Utah. Having a great interest in geology & astronomy, he applied for a position as a gallery attendent at the Hansen Planetarium in Salt Lake City. This position required lecturing to a variety of groups about geology and astronomy through a large exhibit hall. After being promoted to Astronomy Lecturer at the Planetarium, Hausel typically presented 50 to 100 lectures a year about various aspects of astronomy.  He left this position to research lunar samples from the Apollo program in graduate school. After graduating from the U of U with BS and MS degrees in geology, he continued his education at the University of New Mexico where he was hired as a teaching assistant and taught classes in basic mineralogy and also in igneous petrology (origins and textures of volcanic and plutonic rocks).


After leaving the New Mexico, he continued research as a geologist at the Wyoming Geological Survey on the University of Wyoming Campus where he was in demand as a public speaker along with his geological research and geological mapping projects. A relatively detailed log of his lectures at the University of Wyoming were the result of working for one director who can best be described as a pencil pusher and required that the Survey keep a long of all lectures by its staff that were also published in periodic pamphlet of activities of the agency known as Geonotes.


Past Lectures by W. DAN HAUSEL




  • Common rocks & minerals & their physical properties & uses, Rainbow Valley Lodge, Centennial.
  • Common rocks & minerals & their physical properties & uses, Chimney Park Scout Camp, Albany County.
  • Geology & mineralization of the Sunlight Basin, Absaroka Mountains: Rawhide Ranch Camps (Dude Ranch), Sunlight Basin.
  • History & geology of Wyoming kimberlites: Men's luncheon group, Trinity Lutheran Church, Laramie.
  • Wyoming diamond deposits, geology & genesis, Laramie Civitans, Speaker, Laramie.
  • Origin, use & occurrence of Wyoming's minerals: Boy Scouts of America, Laramie.



  • Preliminary report on exploration for diamondiferous kimberlites: 82nd National Western Mining Conference, Denver.
  • Exploration techniques designed for kimberlite exploration:Wyoming Geological Association, Casper.
  • Diamond-bearing & nondiamond-bearing kimberlites in Colorado & Wyomng:American Chemical Society, Laramie.
  • The Powder River Basin uranium deposits (history & production), American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Casper.
  • Update on exploration for diamond in the Colorado-Wyoming kimberlite province: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Casper.
  • General review of northern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming kimberlites, diamonds & related research activity, 50th Forum on Geology and Industrial Minerals, Denver.
  • Review of diamond prospecting in northern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming, Northwestern Mining Association,Spokane, Washington.



  • Exploration for diamondiferous kimberlite in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver.
  • Physical characteristics and uses of Wyoming's minerals, Boy Scouts of America, Rainbow Valley Lodge, Centennial.
  • Wyoming's mineral resources, Wyoming Mining Association, Teacher Workshop, Casper.
  • Uranium resources in Wyoming, Lions Club, Laramie.
  • Potential mineral resources in Wyoming,KUWR radio interview, Laramie.
  • Exploration for diamond-bearing kimberlite in Colorado and Wyoming- American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers - Society of Mining Engineers, Minneapolis, Minnesota.



  • 'Diamond exploration in Colorado and Wyoming', West Texas Geological Association, Midland, Texas.
  • 'Wyoming's mineral and gem occurrences', Cheyenne Gem and Rock Club, Cheyenne.
  • 'Common rocks and minerals', Boy Scouts of America, Rainbow Valley Lodge, Centennial.
  • 'Wyoming's mineral resources',Wyoming Mining Association, Teacher Workshop, Casper.
  • 'Economic mineral deposits', Wyoming Geological Association, Annual Field Conference, Jackson.
  • 'Diamond exploration in Wyoming' University of Wyoming Geology Club, Laramie.



  • Geology from the Seminoe Mountains to the Hartville Uplift,International Archean Geochemistry Field Conference, Field Trip Leader, Wyoming.
  • Geology of the porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits, Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming Geological Association, Mammoth Springs, Wyoming.
  • Exploration techniques for diamond, Civil Engineering Seminar, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
  • Exploration techniques and diamond extraction methods,Society of Mining Engineers, Bellamy Chapter, Laramie.
  • Geology and economics of some mineral resources, Cheyenne Geological Society, Cheyenne.




  • Metallogeny of some Wyoming deposits,86th National Western Mining Conference,Denver.
  • Gold mineralization and mining history,Laramie Rockologists, Laramie.
  • Geology and exploration of diamondiferous kimberlites,University of Wyoming Department of Geology &Geophysics, Laramie.
  • Geological exploration and diamond extraction,Wyoming Geological Association, Casper.
  • Ore deposits of Wyoming and adjacent areas, Wyoming Geological Association-Wyoming Geological Survey-Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming Joint Conference, Conference Chairman, Laramie.
  • Historic gold mines of Wyoming, Wyoming Historic Preservation Society, Sheridan.
  • Sierra Madre copper deposits, Wyoming Mining Association, Teacher's Workshop, Field Trip Leader, Casper.
  • Economic geology of Copper Mountain, Wyoming, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Billings, Montana.
  • Geology of the Colorado-Wyoming diamond deposits, American Mining Congress, San Francisco, California.
  • Geology of Southeastern Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Field Trip Leader, southern Wyoming.



  • Wind River Canyon, Wyoming Historic Preservation Society,Field Trip Leader, central Wyoming.
  • State Line diamond district, University of Wyoming Department of Geography, Field Trip Leader, Laramie.
  • State Line diamond district, University of Wyoming and Stonybrook University, Field Trip Leader, Laramie.
  • Centennial Ridge District, University of Wyoming Civil Engineering Department, Field Trip Leader,Centennial.
  • Seismic exploration techniques, University of Wyoming Civil Engineering Department, Lecturer, Laramie.
  • Economic geology of the Copper Mountain supracrustal belt, Society of Economic Paleontologists &Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver.
  • Kimberlite exploration, American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers Annual Meeting Session Chairman, Denver.
  • Economic geology of the Colorado-Wyoming kimberlite province, American Institute of Mining &Metallurgical Engineers, Black Hills Section Rapid City, South Dakota.
  • Wyoming's strategic metal resources, American Institute of Professional Geologists, Casper.



  • 'South Pass gold', Laramie Rockologists, Speaker, Laramie.
  • 'Gold and mines of South Pass', Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society,Speaker, Cheyenne.
  • 'Economic geology of the South Pass granite-greenstone terrain', International Archean geochemistry field conference, Lander.
  • 'Gold mines of South Pass', Casper Rock Club, Casper.
  • 'Mineral resources of Wyoming', University of Wyoming Agriculture Extension Service, Laramie.
  • 'Rock and mineral identification', Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society, Cheyenne.
  • 'Structural and stratigraphic control of Archean gold mineralization within the South Pass greenstone

          terrain, Wyoming', Wyoming Geological Association, Casper.



  • 'Geology and gold deposits of South Pass'. Castle Rock Gem and Mineral Society, Green River.
  • Preliminary report on the geology & gold mineralization of the South Pass greenstone belt, Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • South Pass gold, Oregon Trail Grange, Casper.
  • South Pass gold, University of Wyoming Common Ministry, Laramie.
  • Colorado-Wyoming diamonds, University of Wyoming Common Ministry, Laramie.
  • Diamond exploration in Wyoming and Colorado - an update, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper.
  • Wyoming diamond occurrences, Methodists Mens Club, Laramie.
  • Wyoming diamond and gold, Wyoming State Museum Natural History Lecture Series, Cheyenne.
  • Where and how to find diamonds, Casper Gem and Mineral Club, Casper.



  • Diamonds in Wyoming, Oregon Trail Grange, Casper.
  • Notes on the 4th International Kimberlite Conference, Perth Australia, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper.
  • Western Australian gold & diamonds, Cheyenne Gem & Mineral Society, Cheyenne.
  • Exploration for diamondiferous and barren kimberlite and lamproite, Joint meeting of AIME -Society of Professional Engineers, Rock Springs.
  • Gold and diamonds in Wyoming, Thermopolis Trowel and Pick Club,Thermopolis.
  • Exploration for diamondiferous kimberlite in the Laramie Range, University of Wyoming Engineering Seminar, Laramie.
  • Geology and gold mineralization of the South Pass region, Wind River Mountains, Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, Rock Springs.
  • Gold and other mineral deposits at South Pass Wyoming,Lander Leader Group, Lander.
  • The geology, petrology, and geochemistry of gold in the South Pass greenstone belt, Wyoming Geological Association Field Conference, Jackson Lake Lodge.
  • Structural control of gold mineralization in the South Pass greenstone belt, North American conference on the control of ore deposits, Speaker, Rolla, Missouri.



  • The geology of Wyoming's precious metal lode and placer deposits Wyoming Geological Association Luncheon, Casper.
  • Gold - an exploration frontier, Wyoming Mining Association annual meeting, Jackson Lake Lodge.
  • Western Australia & Wyoming -  comparisons of gold and diamond Wyoming State Retired Employees Association, Cheyenne.
  • Diamond deposits in Western Australia, Thermopolis Trowel and Pick Club.
  • Gold in Wyoming Colorado Chapter of Friends of Mineralogy & Department of Geology, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, August 13.
  • Mineral resources of the Black Hills. Wyoming Geological Association Field Symposium, Casper, September 9.
  • Gold & diamonds - where and how to find them. Rock Springs Rockhound Club, Rock Springs, Wyoming, October 17.
  • Gold & diamonds in Alaska and Australia. Prospectors of Wyoming (POW), Cody, Wyoming, December 20.



  • Gold, University of Wyoming public radio interview, Laramie, Wyoming, January 9.
  • Gold in Wyoming University of Wyoming educational TV interview, Laramie, Wyoming,
  • January 22.
  • Prospecting for gold, Laramie Children's Museum seminar, Laramie, Wyoming, March 1.
  • Prospecting for diamonds, Laramie Children's Museum seminar, Laramie, Wyoming, March 1.
  • Prospecting methods, Laramie County Community College, Guest Speaker, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 9.
  • Geological Survey of Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Bureau of Mines & western State Geologists' meeting, Sacramento, California,
  • March 28.
  • Wyoming diamonds, Lions Club,  Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, April 4.
  • How to prospect for gold and diamonds, Friends and Company, Speaker, Laramie, Wyoming, May 18.
  • Archean geology and mineralization, 28th International Geological Congress, Wyoming Province field trip co-leader, Casper, Wyoming, July
  • 19-25.
  • Exploration for gold in Alaska, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, Wyoming, September 8.
  • Structural control of Wyoming's gold deposits, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, Wyoming, October 27.
  • Gold deposits in Alaska, Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society, Cheyenne, Wyoming, November 3.




  • Precious metals in Wyoming, Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 28.
  • Prospecting for gold & diamonds, Prospectors of Wyoming seminar, Cody, Wyoming, April 18.
  • Australian diamond deposits, Prospectors of Wyoming, Cody, Wyoming, April 18.
  • Strategic mineral resources, Cody Archaeology Club, Cody, Wyoming, April 19.
  • Precious metal deposits in Wyoming, Broken Hill Mining-Utah International seminar, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 23.
  • Geology & mineralization of South Pass & Seminoe Mountains, NORD Resources, field trip leader, South Pass,
  • Wyoming, May 7-9.
  • South Pass geology and mineralization, Newmont Mining Company field trip leader, South Pass, Wyoming, May 14-16.
  • Geology and mineralization of the South Pass greenstone belt, Geological Society of America, field trip
  • co-leader, South Pass, Wyoming, May 23-24.
  • Prospecting methods, Recreational Prospecting Class, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyoming, August 30. 
  • Geology & mineralization of the Seminoe Mountains greenstone belt, American Institute of Professional Geologists, Casper, Wyoming, September 12.
  • Gold in greenstone belts, Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration of AIME, Casper, Wyoming, September, 13.
  • Precious and base metal deposits, Northwest Mining Association Convention, Spokane, Washington, December 6.
  • Geology & mineralization of South Pass, Warf Resources, field trip leader, South Pass Wyoming, June 17.
  • Geology & mineralization of South Pass, Bald Mountain Mining Company, field trip leader, Wyoming, June 17



  • Geology and mineralization of the Wyoming Province (Archean), Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration of AIME National Convention, Denver, February 26.
  • The form, distribution, and geology of gold, platinum, palladium, and silver deposits in Wyoming, 1991 National Western Mining Conference, Colorado Mining Association, Denver, February 26.
  • Wyoming's gemstone and lapidary deposits, Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society, Cheyenne, Wyoming, May 3.
  • Gemstones in Wyoming, Oregon Trail Grange, Casper, May 24.
  • Geology and mineralization of South Pass, Wyoming Mining Association Teacher's Workshop, field trip leader, South Pass, Wyoming, June 26. 
  • Mineral deposits in southeastern Wyoming, Union Pacific Resources, field trip leader, Wyoming, August 2-3.
  • Copper deposits and mineral recognition, University of Wyoming Plant, Soil & Insect Sciences, copper-bearing plant grant research, field trip leader, Hartville uplift and Silver Crown district, Wyoming, April 10.
  • Geology and mineralization of the Medicine Bow Mining districts, Union Pacific Resources, field trip leader, Wyoming, June 21.
  • The geological profession, Thayer Elementary School (4th Grade), Speaker, March 27.
  • Geology and mineralization of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Texchem, South Africa Field Trip, Leader, July 3.
  • Base and precious metal deposits, Denver Regional Exploration Society, Speaker, September 9.
  • Geology and mineralization of the Wyoming Geological Association Field Trip,
  • Seminoe Mountains mining district Leader, September 14.
  • Geology and mineralization of the South Pass mining district, Wyoming Geological Association Field Trip Co-leader, September 15.
  • Mineral resources of Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, September 16.



  • Prospecting for diamonds, Laramie Children's Museum Benefit Seminar, Instructor, March 5.
  • Prospecting for gold, Laramie Children's Museum Benefit Seminar, Instructor, March 19.
  • North to Alaska and Down Under, Laramie Children's Museum Benefit talk, April 2. 
  • Prospecting for diamonds, Fort Collins Gem and Mineral Show, April 5.
  • Mineral resources of Albany County, Laramie Chamber of Commerce Leadership Seminar, April 8.
  • Exploration for diamonds, Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc., of AIME, Casper, April 9.
  • Geology and mineralization of the South Pass mining district, Wyoming Mining Association Teacher's Workshop, Field Trip Leader, South Pass, July 1.
  • Geology of the Snowy Range, FMCA Rock Hounds Field Trip Leader, July 7.
  • Geology of the South Pass district, Riverton Gem & Mineral Club field trip, Lander, Aug. 22.
  • Cooper Hill mining district, WGA-SEPM-AAPG-EMP Symposium, Sept. 15, Casper.
  • Seminoe Mountains mining district WGA-SEPM-AAPG-EMP Symposium, Sept. 15, Casper.



  • Albany County Mineral Resources, Laramie Chamber of Commerce Leadership seminar, April 14, 1993.
  • Precious metals, base metals, and gemstones, Colorado Mining Association Western Mining Conferece & Exhibition, Mar. 24, 1993, Denver.
  • Structural geology and mineralization of South Pass, U.S. Geological Survey economic geologists field trip, June 24, 1993.
  • Information booth, Ft. Collins Gem & Mineral Show, March 27, 1993.
  • Diamonds-geology and exploration, WGA short diamond course, Casper, Wyoming, Sept. 17, 1993.
  • Gold panning seminar, Desk and Derrick, Centennial , Wyoming, July, 1993.
  • Diamonds in Wyoming, Laramie Kwannis Club, August 31, 1993.
  • Geology and mineral deposits related to the 1872 Mining Law, UW Mining Law seminar, Laramie, August 27, 1993.



  • Economic Geology of greenstone belts, Mineral Exploration 94, Lake Tahoe, NV.
  • Diamond, kimberlite, lamproite, and related rocks, Mineral Exploration 94, Lake Tahoe, NV.
  • Diamonds in Colorado & Wyoming, Senior Lyceam, University of Wyoming, Oct. 4, 1994
  • Economic geology of diamond deposits, University of Wyoming Geology Department's Economic Geology class, Oct. 7, 1994.



  • Field Trip, Green River Basin Kimberlitic INdicator mineral fields, Rock Springs Gem & Mineral Club, July 3rd, 1997.
  • Eagle Rock field trip (diamonds), Paso Rico Resources, July 15, 1997.
  • South Pass field trip, Gold Prospectors of the Rockies, Loveland, CO, Aug. 7-8, 1997.
  • Diamond Exploration Targets in the Wyoming Craton, Montana Geological Society, Billings, MT. August 20, 1997.
  • Field Trip, Geology of the Leucite Hills, Carol Caverly et al, writer, Sept. 17, 1997.
  • Diamonds, Friends of Mineralogy, Denver Museum, Sept. 18, 1997.
  • Gold in Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Prospectors Club, Ft. Collins, CO., Oct. 1, 1997.
  • Field Trip, Potential Mineral Resources, BHP Minerals, Oct. 14-17, 1997.
  • Diamonds, Their Origin and Occurrence Sheridan College, Oct. 30, 1997.
  • Diamonds, KOWB Radio Interview, Dec. 11, 1997.
  • Geology of the State Line district, Colorado School of Mines faculty club, March 10, 1998.
  • Field Trip, Iron Mountain Kimberlites,Marum Resources, April 13, 1998.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Rock Springs Gem & Mineral Club, April 20, 1998.
  • Field Trip, Iron Mountain Kimberlite district,Pure Gold, May 6, 1998.
  • Field Trip, Iron Mountain Kimberlite district, Calvin College, Michigan, May 27, 1998.
  • Field Trip, Iron Mountain Kimberlite district, Jon Billman (author), Outdoor Magazine, June 2, 1998.
  • Diamonds in the Wyoming Craton, Natrona County Rockhound show, June 6, 1998.
  • Gemstones in Wyoming, Natrona County Rockhound show, June 6, 1998.
  • Diamonds in the Wyoming Craton, Natrona County Rockhound show, June 7, 1998.
  • Gemstones in Wyoming, Natrona County Rockhound show, June 7, 1998.



  • Diamonds, kimberlite and lamproite, UW Distinguished Geology Lecture Series, Nov. 16, 1998
  • Diamonds and their origin, UW Economic Geology Course, Oct. 5, 1998.
  • Gemstones, Southwest SME Chapter, Rock Springs, Oct. 21, 1998.
  • Mining Scams, AIPG, Casper, Sept. 9, 1998
  • Geology of the Iron Mountain district WGA Casper, Sept. 11., 1998.
  • Field trip to South Pass, BHP Exploration, Sept. 16-17, 1998.
  • Diamond Prospecting short course, Laramie, Sept. 26, 1998.
  • South Pass gold, Rocky Mountain Prospectors, Ft. Collins, Aug. 5, 1998.
  • Field trip to South Pass, Rocky Mountain Prospectors, Ft. Collins, Aug. 13-14, 1998.
  • Diamonds in Wyoming, Territorial Prison Park, Laramie, Aug. 23, 1998
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Rocky Mountain Prospectors, Ft. Collins, July 1, 1998.
  • Diamonds, Loveland Rotary, July 7, 1998.
  • Field trip to Tin Cup district, Rocky Mountain Prospectors, Ft. Collins, July 10, 1998.
  • Field trip to South Pass, Rock Springs gem & mineral club, July 17, 1998.



  • “How to Find Diamonds”, Casper Geowives, Feb. 9, 1999 (Radison Hotel, Casper).
  • The Great Diamond Hoax of 1872 and Other Mining Scams, Wyoming Geological Association, Feb. 19, 1999 (Petroleum Club, Casper).
  • Ethics, History and Traditions, American Institute of Professional Geologists, March 10th (Petroleum Club, Casper).
  • Discussion group on the Granite Mountains geologic history and genesis, UW Dept. Geology & Geophysics, March 19th.
  • Information Booth, Ft. Collins Gem & Mineral Show, March 26-28th, 1999.
  • Diamond and Gold Prospecting Methods, Irma Hotel, April 2nd, 1999, 7-10 pm (Cody, Wyoming).
  • Diamond prospecting short course, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Wyoming State Geological Survey Building, April, 17, 1999.
  • Gemstones, Society of Mining Engineers, May 13th, 1999 (Casper).
  • Gold Mineralization in Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, May 14, 1999 (Petroleum Club, Casper).
  • Field Trip to Laramie Anorthosite complex, Bond Resources, June 3, 1999
  • Field Trip to State Line District, Minex Resources, June 16, 1999
  • Diamonds, kimberlites & lamproites, UW Field Camp, June 17, 1999.
  • Gemstones, Natrona County Gemshow, June 19, 1999 (Casper).
  • Gold, Natrona County Gemshow, June 20, 1999 (Casper).
  • Field trip to the Snowy Range, General Public, July 16, 1999.
  • Minerals information booth, Natrona County Gemshow, June 19 & 20, 1999 (Casper).
  • Field trip to the Encampment district. Rocky Mountain Prospectors, July 23, 1999.
  • Field trip to gem localities in the Green River Basin, Rock Springs, July 31, 1999.
  • Gold prospecting in Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 4, 1999.
  • Economic geology of South Pass. Wyoming Prospectors Association, Aug. 13, 1999.
  • South Pass field trip, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 13, 1999.
  • Field Trip to the Copper King Gold-Copper deposit, Silver Crown District, Mountain Lake Resources & Wharf Resources, Aug. 17th, 1999.
  • Snowy Range field trip. WSGS public field trip, August 20, 1999.
  • Geological history, mining history & mineral resources of the Snowy Range, US Forest Service Moonwalk, Aug. 25th, 1999.
  • Update on the Diamond Potential of the Iron Mountain Kimberlite District, Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, Sept. 17, 1999.
  • Field Trip to the Palmer Canyon corundum-cordierite occurrence, MINEX Resources, Sept. 20th, 1999.
  • Gemstones, Semi-Precious Stones, Ornamental Stones & other unique minerals & rocks of Wyoming, WSGS-UW-WGA Wyoming Geology Conference, Oct. 14th, 1999.
  • Preliminary geological map and gold potential of the Barlow Gap 1:24,000 quadrangle, central Wyoming, WSGS-UW-WGA Wyoming Geology Conference, at UW” Oct. 15th, 1999.
  • Geology, diamond potential, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Iron Mountain kimberlite district and Grant Creek anomaly, WSGS-UW-WGA Wyoming Geology Conference Poster Session, Oct. 15th, 1999.
  • Mineral resource inventory of the Medicine Bow National Forest (Grand Encampment District), WSGS-UW-WGA Wyoming Geology Conference Poster Session, Oct. 15th, 1999.
  • Geology and mineral resources of Wyoming, Co-Chairman, WSGS-UW-WGA Wyoming Geology Conference, Oct. 14th & 15th, 1999.
  • Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts – History and traditions, Wyoming Geological Association, Oct. 22nd, 1999 (Petroleum Club, Casper).
  • Exploration Update, Wyoming Geological Association, Oct. 22nd, 1999.
  • Wyoming – a world-class diamond province? Wyoming Public Radio, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Nov. 5th, 1999.
  • Metals and precious stones in Albany County, Wyoming – a future resource worth a King’s ransom, Laramie Chamber of Commerce, Nov. 16th, 1999.
  • Geology and volcanology of the Leucite Hills volcanic field, Rock Springs uplift, southwestern Wyoming, Wyoming Geological Association, Nov. 19th, 1999.
  • Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts – History and traditions, Casper Rotary, Nov. 22nd, 1999 (Parkway Plaza, Casper).
  • Mineral resources of the Medicine Bow National Forest, Open Mike, KOWB, Dec. 8th, 1999.
  • Saratoga Museum Presentation, Dec. 10th, 1999.



  • Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts – History and traditions, Open Mike, KOWB, 1/20/2000 (Laramie).
  • Diamond deposits in Wyoming, KOWB Open Mike, Feb. 10th, 2000.
  • Gemstones of Wyoming, Mile Hi Rock and Mineral Society, Denver, CO, March 17th, 2000.
  • Origin of mantle nodules in kimberlite, UW Graduate Seminar on the origin of the Mantle, March 22nd, 2000.
  • Diamond prospecting short course, April 28th, 2000, WSGS building, Laramie.
  • Information Booth, May 6, 7, 2000, Cheyenne Gem Society.
  • Field trip to the State Line kimberlite district, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, May 19th, 2000.
  • Medicine Bow (Grand Encampment) Mining District, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, June 7th, 2000, 7 pm (Ft. Collins, Colorado).
  • Field trip to the Iron Mountain district, Diamond Eagle Co., June 9th, 2000.
  • Field trip to the Centennial Ridge gold-platinum district, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, June 16th, 2000.
  • Wyoming diamonds. Wyoming State Gem & Mineral Show, June 24th, 2000.
  • Wyoming diamonds. Wyoming State Gem & Mineral Show, June 25th, 2000.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Natrona County Gem & Mineral Show, Casper, July 8th, 2000.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Natrona County Gem & Mineral Show, Casper, July 9th, 2000.
  • Information Booth, Natrona County Gem & Mineral Show, Casper, July 8th, 2000.
  • Kimberlites and lamproites, UW Field Camp, June 21st, 2000.
  • Gold at South Pass, Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 2nd, 2000 (Ft. Collins, Colorado).
  • Field trip to the South Pass Mining District, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 11th, 2000, Atlantic City mine, Wyoming.
  • Geology & mining history of the Medicine Bow Mountains”, Public Tour, August 25th, 2000, Laramie, Wyoming.
  • Puzzler Hill Platinum-group metal prospect Tour for Encampment Resources, Cowboy Exploration & Donneybrook Resources, Oct. 2nd, 2000.
  • Gemstones, Wyoming Geological Association, Nov. 10th, 2000, Casper, WY.
  • Wyoming Diamonds, Laramie Leadership, Laramie Chamber of Commerce, Nov. 14th, 2000
  • Gemstones, Wyoming Geological Association, Dec. 1st, 2000, Casper, WY.



  • WYOMING DIAMONDS, Casper Rotary Club, Parkway Plaza Hotel, 11:50 am, March, 11th, 2001.
  • Diamond Exploration opportunities in Wyoming, April 13th, 2001, Norwest Resources & Rocky Mountain Diamond Co., SLC, UT.
  • Mineral Potential of the Medicine Bow National Forest, April, 26th, 2001, US Forest Service, Laramie, WY
  • Diamond Prospecting Clinic, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Friday, April 27th, 2001, WSGS Building.
  • Platinum, palladium, gold, base and rare earth metals and gemstones in the Medicine Bow National Forest - an area of high mineral potential, Wyoming Geological Association, Friday May 11th, 2001.
  • Mineral information booth, Cheyenne Gem & Mineral Show, May 19th, 2001, Cheyenne.
  • Mineral information booth, Cheyenne Gem & Mineral Show, May 20th, 2001, Cheyenne.
  • Natrona County gemshow information booth, Casper, June 2nd, 2001.
  • Natrona County gemshow information booth, Casper, June 3rd, 2001.
  • Wyoming diamonds, Natrona County Gem & Mineral Show, Casper, June 2nd, 2001.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Natrona County Gem & Mineral Show, Casper, June 3rd, 2001.
  • Gold & platinum in the Medicine Bow Mining Districts, - Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club (Ft. Collins, Colorado). June 5, 2001.
  • Wyoming Diamonds, UW Research Station public seminar, Leeks Marina, Jackson, Wyoming, June 14th.
  • Centennial Mining District field and prospecting trip, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, June 29th, 2001.
  • Gold at South Pass, Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club (Ft. Collins, Colorado), August 7th, 2001.
  • Geology and geochemistry of the South Pass (Archean) greenstone belt, Wind River Range, Western Wyoming – Jackson Hole Geological Society, August 9th, 2001
  • South Pass gold field trip, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 10th, 2001.
  • Geology and gold deposits of the South Pass mining district, public field trip, Aug. 11th, 2001
  • Gold Prospecting Hints, Wyoming Prospectors Association, at the Dredge, Atlantic City, Aug. 11th, 2001.
  • The Wyoming Platinum-palladium-nickel province, Wyoming Geological Association, Petroleum Club, Casper, August 24th, 2001.
  • Diamonds and their host rocks, SME, Thursday, Sept. 13th, 2001, Petroleum Club, Casper.
  • Conventional and unconventional source rocks for diamonds, Wyoming Geological Association, Sept 14th, 2001.



  • Diamonds in Wyoming, Casper Rotary, March 12th, 2002
  • WYOMING GEMSTONES, Southwestern Chapter of SME, Rock Springs, March 14th, 2002.
  • WYOMING’S MINERAL LEGACY, Tate Museum Open House, Casper College, March 23rd, 2002.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Wyoming Gem & Mineral Society, Senior Citizen Center, Torrington, April 10th, 2002.
  • Chairman, GEMSTONES & SEMI-PRECIOUS MINERALS OF THE WESTERN US, 54th Rocky Mountain GSA Symposium, Cedar City, Utah, May 7th & 8th, 2002.
  • Gemstones, semi-precious stones, lapidary materials in Wyoming, GEMSTONES & SEMI-PRECIOUS MINERALS OF THE WESTERN US, 54th Rocky Mountain GSA Symposium, Cedar City, Utah, May 7th & 8th, 2002.
  • The Iron Mountain kimberlite district, Wyoming, GEMSTONES & SEMI-PRECIOUS MINERALS OF THE WESTERN US, 54th Rocky Mountain GSA Symposium, Cedar City, Utah, May 7th & 8th, 2002.
  • GEOLOGY, GOLD & MINING HISTORY OF SOUTH PASS Public Field Trip, July 20th, 2002.
  • Chicken Park Kimberlites, Public Field Trip, August 10th, 2002.
  • South Pass gold district field trip, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Aug. 16, 2002.
  • Geology and diamonds in the State Line district field trip, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Aug. 24, 2002.
  • Colorado-Wyoming State Line district, Colorado Friends of Mineralogy-USGS-Colorado School of Mines Mineral Syposium, September 6-8th, 2002.
  • Wyoming Gemstones, Colorado Friends of Mineralogy-USGS-Colorado School of Mines Mineral Syposium, September 6-8th, 2002.
  • The Great 1872 Diamond Hoax, Colorado Friends of Mineralogy-USGS-Colorado School of Mines Mineral Syposium, September 6-8th, 2002.
  • Wyoming Gem and Semi-Precious Gems, Cheyenne Mineralogical Society, Oct. 9, 2002.
  • Diamond Exploration Methods, Central Wyoming College, October 16th, 2002.
  • Gold and Gemstone Prospecting Methods, Central Wyoming College, November 20th, 2002.



  • DIAMOND POTENTIAL OF WYOMING: Wyoming State House of Representatives, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 5, 2003.
  • DIAMOND POTENTIAL OF WYOMING: Wyoming State Senate, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 5, 2003.
  • RUBY, SAPPHIRE & IOLITE (WYOMING GEMSTONES): Wyoming Geological Association, Petroleum Club, Casper, Wyoming, March 7, 2003, 12 pm.
  • THE 1872 DIAMOND HOAX-W. Dan Hausel: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, Ft. Collins, Colorado, May 7, 2003, 7 pm.
  • GEMSTONES AND COLLECTABLE ROCKS AND MINERALS OF WYOMING: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, Ft. Collins, Colorado, June 4, 2003.
  • “Kimberlite and lamproites of Colorado and Wyoming, USA”, Field Trip Leaders: Howard Coopersmith, Roger Mitchell, W. Dan Hausel, Eight International Kimberlite Conference, June 16th – 21st, 2003
  • MINING DISTRICTS OF THE MEDICINE BOW MOUNTAINS: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, Ft. Collins, Colorado, July 2, 2003.
  • GEOLOGY AND GOLD MINERALIZATION OF THE SOUTH PASS AND TIN CUP DISTRICTS, WYOMING-W. Dan Hausel: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, Ft. Collins, Colorado, August 6, 2003.
  • GEOLOGY AND GOLD AT CENTENNIAL RIDGE: GPAA and Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters club, August 23rd, 2003.



  • PROSPECTING: WHERE AND HOW: Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 3, 2004.
  • GEMSTONES IN WYOMING: Cheyenne Rotary Club, Hitching Post Inn, Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 28, 2004, 12 noon.
  • PROSPECTING FOR GEMSTONES IN WYOMING - WHERE AND HOW TO FIND AND RECOGNIZE THEM: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins, Colorado: July 7.
  • DARE TO BE DIFFERENT - TALES OF GOLD SCAMS, LOST MINES, AND PROSPECTORS: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins: August 4.
  • GOLD MINING AND GEOLOGY OF WYOMING'S PRINCIPAL GOLD DISTRICT - Field Trip Leader: W. Dan Hausel: On this trip, we will look at classical lode (shear zone and vein), placer, and paleoplacer gold deposits and their characteristics. South Pass, Wyoming; Saturday, June 12, 2004.
  • GEMSTONES IN THE GREEN RIVER BASIN - Field Trip Leader: W. Dan Hausel: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: July 9, 2004.
  • Open Houses, Conferences, etc.
  • WYOMING STATE GEM & MINERAL SHOW, W.D. Hausel - exhibit judge: Torringtion, Wyoming, June 19th & 20th, 2004.
  • GOLD, PLATINUM, PALLADIUM AND SILVER IN WYOMING - W. Dan Hausel: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins, Colorado: October 6, 2004.
  • THE GEOLOGY OF GEMSTONE DEPOSITS IN WYOMING, W. Dan Hausel, Society for Metallurgy, Mining & Exploration (SME) Casper, May 12th, 2005.
  • PROSPECTING: WHERE AND HOW - W. Dan Hausel: Cheyenne Gem and Mineral Society, Cheyenne, Wyoming, March 3, 2004.
  • GEMSTONES IN WYOMING: Cheyenne Rotary Club, Hitching Post Inn, Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 28, 2004, 12 noon.
  • PROSPECTING FOR GEMSTONES IN WYOMING - WHERE AND HOW TO FIND AND RECOGNIZE THEM: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins, Colorado: July 7.
  • DARE TO BE DIFFERENT - TALES OF GOLD SCAMS, LOST MINES, AND PROSPECTORS: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins: August 4.
  • GOLD, PLATINUM, PALLADIUM AND SILVER IN WYOMING: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins, Colorado: October 6, 2004.
  • GOLD MINING AND GEOLOGY OF WYOMING'S PRINCIPAL GOLD DISTRICT - Field Trip Leader. South Pass, Wyoming; Saturday, June 12, 2004.
  • GEMSTONES IN THE GREEN RIVER BASIN - Field Trip Leader: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: July 9, 2004.
  • DIAMOND POTENTIAL OF WYOMING - A MAJOR NEW INDUSTRY AWAITING DISCOVERY?, Wyoming State Retired Employees Association, Hitching Post Inn, Cheyenne, September 13th.
  • GOLD, PLATINUM, PALLADIUM AND SILVER IN WYOMING, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club: Ft. Collins, Colorado: October 6, 2004.
  • THE GEOLOGY OF COLORED GEMSTONE DEPOSITS: EXPLORATION METHODS AND GENESIS, Wyoming Geological Asosciation: Casper: October 22, 2004.
  • GEMSTONES IN WYOMING – MAJOR NEW DISCOVERIES, Rotary Club, Plains Hotel and Restaurant, Douglas, WY, Dec 8th, 2004, noon.



  • MINERAL RESOURCES OF SWEETWATER COUNTY—Ray E. Harris and W. Dan Hausel: Sweetwater County Planning Commission, Rock Springs, April 7, 2005.
  • KIMBERLITES: Economic Geology, University of Wyoming, April 11, 2005.
  • DIAMONDS AND ASSOCIATED GEMSTONES: Cheyenne Mineral Club, IBEW Hall, 810 Fremont Avenue, Cheyenne, April 13, 2005.
  • DIAMOND DEPOSITS IN THE WYOMING CRATON: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists, Drill and Crucible Lounge, Rapid City, South Dakota, April 15, 2005.
  • COLORED GEMSTONE DEPOSITS IN WYOMING: Gold Prospectors Association of America, White Castle Library, Rock Springs, May 9, 2005.
  • COLORED GEMSTONE DEPOSITS IN WYOMING: Society for Metallurgy, Mining & Exploration (SME), Casper, May 12, 2005.
  • WYOMING GEMS AND PRECIOUS METALS—POTENTIAL NEW INDUSTRIES FOR WYOMING?: University of Wyoming School of Outreach, Central Wyoming College, Teton County Library, and Forum for the Geosciences, Jackson, July 20, 2005.
  • PROSPECTING FOR GEMSTONES IN WYOMING: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Fort Collins, Colorado, August 3, 2005.
  • UPDATE ON GEMSTONES AND PRECIOUS METALS IN WYOMING: Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, September 9, 2005.
  • GEMSTONES FIELD TRIP, BUTCHERKNIFE DRAW-CEDAR MOUNTAIN AREA, GREEN RIVER BASIN: Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, August 13, 2005.
  • GEMSTONES IN WYOMING: GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION— 2005 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Geologic Developments in the Rockies, Timberline 3, Jackson, Wyoming, September 25, 2005.
  • GOLD AND OTHER PRECIOUS METALS IN WYOMING— Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Fort Collins, Colorado, October 5, 2005.
  •  DIAMOND DEPOSITS - W. Dan Hausel, UW Department of Geology and Geophysics - Ore Deposits, Laramie, February 25th, 2005, 10am.
  • MINERAL RESOURCES OF SWEETWATER COUNTY - Ray E. Harris and W. Dan Hausel, Sweetwater County Planning Commission, Rock Springs, April 7th, 2005, 3pm.
  • DIAMOND DEPOSITS IN THE WYOMING CRATON, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists, Drill and Crucible Lounge, April 15, 2005.
  • COLORED GEMSTONE DEPOSITS IN WYOMING, Society for Metallurgy, Mining & Exploration (SME): Casper: May 12, 2005.
  • PROSPECTING FOR GEMSTONES IN WYOMING, Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club, Ft. Collins, Colorado, August 3rd, 200.
  • UPDATE ON GEMSTONES AND PRECIOUS METALS IN WYOMING, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, Wyoming, September 9, 2005, noon.
  • GEMSTONES FIELD TRIP - BUTCHERKNIFE DRAW-CEDAR MOUNTAIN AREA, GREEN RIVER BASIN (August 13, 2005) (Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club) - field trip leader
  • SOUTH PASS-LEWISTON GOLD DISTRICT FIELD TRIP (Public Field Trip to be rescheduled) – field trip leader



  • GEOLOGY OF WYOMING’S GEMSTONE DEPOSITS—W. Dan Hausel: Arvada Gem & Mineral Society, Arvada Senior Center, Arvada, Colorado, March 11, 2006.



  • Traditional Martial Arts, History and Modern Practice - Gilbert Kiwanis Club, March, 11, 2008
  • Traditional Martial Arts, History and Modern Practice - Pinacle Peak Rotary Club, Tempe, AZ, May 15, 2008.

Sketch by Dan


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